Gujomo Apps
Palette Composer User Instructions
View Palette
The palette contains the colours available for mixing. They represent the colours in your paint collection.
Colours can be removed individually by sliding them to the left. The Empty Palette action will remove all colours.
Currently there are 2 ways to add colours to the palette:
1. They can be added to the palette from a catalogue by using the 'Open Catalogue' action shown with the book icon.
There is a Generic catalogue provided. You can create your own catalogues containing your own colours by using the 'Import Colours from image' action. We strongly recommend adding your own colours using this action.
Catalogues can also be imported from CSV files.
After creating a catalogue, you can save it to an external file for safe keeping or to share with friends and family by using the Export button available when you open the catalogue, see below.
2. Colours can also be created in the palette using the 'Define a New Colour' action shown with the + icon. This action opens a dialog where a colour can be defined using Red Green Blue and Cyan Magenta Yellow values or by entering the #code. The new colour is saved to your 'My Colours' catalogue and added to the palette.
Touching a palette colour below the swatch will show more information about the colour and enable you to edit the colour details.
After mixing a solution proposed by the Palette Composer you can tell the Palette Composer that you have mixed the colour. This will add the mixed colour to the Palette, making it available for use when mixing other colours. It also marks the colours used by the mix solution, so the palette composer knows they are also on your palette board, making them preferred for subsequent mixes. These colours are identified by the 'Preferred' check box (see Cadmium Yellow above). Touching the swatch will toggle the 'Preferred' status on and off.
The 'Clean Palette Board' action will remove any mixed colours added to the palette and turn off the 'Preferred' status for all colours in the palette.
The 'Open Catalogue' action will ask you to first choose a catalogue. After which the catalogue is shown in a panel to the right of the screen.
Selecting a colour in the catalogue will add or remove it from the palette. The palette icon shows that the colour is in the palette.
Sliding the catalogue colour to the left will remove the colour from the catalogue. When all colours are removed from the Catalogue the Catalogue will be deleted.
The Export button will save the catalogue to an external file. Saved catalogues can be loaded into the Palette Composer using the Import Catalogue action.
The Delete button will delete the catalogue.